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The Case for Better Induction

Enhance your onboarding with better employee induction. Read more about the impact of effective employee induction on business performance.

July 27, 2023

Meet Helen.  Helen’s the HR Manager at Appex, a growing app development company with about 180 employees.  As the only HR resource, her remit includes contract negotiations, employee engagement, HR policies and practices, employment legislation, disciplinaries, recruitment, induction and everything else HR.  At times overloaded by the constant and conflicting demands of her role, Helen knows that she needs to find ways to make some things easier.

This year Helen expects that Appex will need to recruit about 45 employees:  36 replacements (typical 20% turnover[1]) and 9 new positions due to growth. That’s basically a new person every week!  

After analysing last year’s data, Helen realised that 1 in 3 of Appex’s new recruits will have left within 12 months - just like most other companies.  Fuelled by frustration about the time, money and effort she was wasting attracting, selecting and recruiting for replacements, she started looking for ways to improve induction and early retention.

She knows having a more systematic approach to induction, and not leaving it to chance or to the variability of the team leaders, would make a big difference to her workload - as well as to retention, engagement and productivity. And she’s aware that a blended approach to induction is even more important now with so many employees and contractors choosing to work from home due to Covid-19.  

After looking around, Helen found the perfect solution.  Upon implementing The Induction App™, she saw a 1200% return on her investment:

  • $28,000 saving in re-recruitment costs from 50%[1] greater new hire engagement and retention
  • $35,000 gain in new hire productivity by eliminating frustration, confusion and lack of action
  • $16,000 saving in HR and management time by streamlining induction.    

 Appex’s managers and team leaders are happier because induction’s been made easier for them, new inductees are empowered to get what they need, Helen’s got robust proof of policy understanding, and it has enhanced Appex’s employer brand and company image.  

Altogether, a big impact.  

TO CONSIDER:   How much could you save by getting your company’s induction sorted?  

Try the ROI Calculator

[1] Aberdeen Group Welcome to the 21st Century, Onboarding!
[1]Lawson Williams National Turnover Survey 2019